Environmental Guidelines
In order to comply with the provisions of CNPE Resolution No. 17/17, the areas offered in the bidding rounds promoted by the ANP are previously analyzed for environmental feasibility by the competent environmental bodies and validated in a Joint Manifestation.
The objective of this joint work is eventually to exclude areas due to environmental restrictions due to the overlap with places where it is not possible or recommended the occurrence of oil and natural gas exploration and production (E&P) activities.
As a result of this analysis, environmental agencies prepare opinions containing environmental guidelines and recommendations for environmental licensing, which allow future concessionaires to include the environmental variable in their technical and economic feasibility studies of oil and natural gas E&P projects.
Note: Considering that the Joint Manifestations, Reports and any other documents do not have an English version, see the files (in Portuguese) on the corresponding Portuguese page: Diretrizes Ambientais para a Oferta Permanente sob o regime de partilha de produção — Português (Brasil)