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According to Board Resolution No. 754/2023, the Tender Protocol of Open Acreage of Concession (OPC) and the Tender Protocol of Open Acreage of Production Sharing (OPP) are revoked. We highlight that the present revocation of the tender protocols only affects future cycles, and does not affect the schedule and the next stages of the 4th Cycle of the Open Acreage of Concession and the 2nd Cycle of the Open Acreage of Production Sharing, including the qualification of bidders winners, the award and approval of the result and the signing of contracts.
How to do the submission for the Open Acreage?
The ANP informs that registrations are temporarily suspended due to the revocation of the tender protocol.
To participate in the Open Acreage under the production sharing regime, the interested company shall:
I) Fulfill the submission electronic form;
II) Submit the documents detailed on the Tender Protocol; and
III) Pay the participation fee.
Since all the Tender Protocol requirements are satisfied, as well as the law dispositions, can participate the domestic and foreign legal entities, individually or in a consortium, and the private equity funds (FIPs), as non operator, being allowed only to submit the bid through a consortium.
I) Filling the submission electronic form:
The interested companies must, individually, fulfill the electronic submission form available below.
In the electronic form, those interested must fill the fields informing the address, the corporate group, the main accredited before ANP, the controlling shareholder, as well as all members of the management structure.
In addition to the main accredited representative, the other accredited representatives shall be appointed through a power of attorney.
After the procedure of fulfill and sending the form, the accredited representative will receive a message confirming the request of submission in the informed e-mail. In case of not receiving, please, contact ANP through the e-mail .
II) Submitting the documents
In order to complete the application, in addition to completing the electronic form, the documents listed in the tender protocol must be submitted:
a) Corporate documents;
b) Power of attorney for the appointment of accredited representatives;
III) Participation fee payment and access to the sample of technical data
The bidders must pay the participation fee for submission, which is R$100.000,00 (one hundred thousand reais).
The fee payment is mandatory and individual for each bidder, even those who will present their offer through a consortium.
The participation fee must be paid by bank transfer, available at the link below.
The payment of the participation fee will give access to a sample of technical data of the sectors in Open Acreage under the production sharing regime, provided that the bidder has completed the electronic registration form.
II.1) Payments made in Brazil
Payment of the participation fee in national currency must be made by bank slip.
III.2) Payments made abroad
Payment of the participation fee in foreign currency shall be made through wire transfer in U.S. Dollars. The amount of the participation fee shall be converted into U.S. Dollars by mandatorily using the official buying exchange rate (BACEN/Ptax buying) of the business day immediately before payment, published by the Central Bank of Brazil.
The bidder shall verify, before the financial institution in charge of the transaction, the accrual of rates on the wire transfer, in order to ensure that the precise amount of the participation fee provided for in Table 4.3 of Tender Protocol is effectively available to ANP after conversion into Reais.
To easily identify the transfer, the proof of the bank transaction must be send to SPL, to the e-mail
The following data must be observed for the bank transaction:
Código IBAN: BR9300000000022340003330087C1
Favorecido: Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis CNPJ do Favorecido: 02.313.673/0002-08
Banco: Banco do Brasil
Endereço: Rua Professor Lélio Gama, 105 – Centro/RJ – CEP: 20031-201 N.º da Agência: 2234-9 N.º da Conta Corrente: 333008-7
III.3) Procedures for removing the Technical Data Sample
ATTENTION: Temporarily, access to the Technical Data Sample through remote access to the E-bid system is unavailable. Therefore, collection of the Technical Data Package can only be carried out in person at ANP/Urca, located at Av. Pasteur, nº 404, blocks A4, Urca, Rio de Janeiro - RJ.
The data sample can be collected online (download), through a request sent to the institutional email:
Alternatively, the company may request the in-person collection of the Technical Data Sample via e-mail, to be carried out at ANP/Urca, located at Av. Pasteur, nº 404, blocks A4, Urca , Rio de Janeiro - RJ. Instructions for scheduling in-person pick-up will then be sent.
In the case of in-person pick-up, after scheduling, the company must deliver directly to the Exploration and Production Database (BDEP) a new external hard drive (HD), in sealed packaging, with a minimum storage capacity of 1 TB, for the recording of technical data. Next, the responsible team will record the HD and schedule the date for removing the HD with the recording.
The data sample may be taken:
a) by an accredited representative;
b) by a person authorized by the accredited representative
IV - Submission Approval
The bidders who meet all the registration requirements established in the tender protocol will have their registration approved.
The result of the entries judged by the CEL will be informed to the bidders, individually, by means of an electronic message.
Bidders registered to participate in the Open Acreage under the production sharing regime cycles must be qualified. To qualify, bidders must present the qualification documents in accordance with item 4.5.