Tender Protocol and Models of the concession agreements
The Tender Protocol of the Open Acreage of Concession for blocks with exploratory risk and areas with marginal accumulations for granting of concession agreements for exploration or rehabilitation and production of oil and natural gas contains the blocks and areas on offer, the rules and procedures for participation. The models of the concession agreements for blocks with exploratory risk and areas with marginal accumulations are an integral part of the Tender Protocol.
Considering that the Open Acreage includes the continuous offer of returned fields and exploratory blocks (or in the process of being returned), as well as exploratory blocks offered in previous rounds and not sold, for the purpose of granting exploration or rehabilitation and production concession agreements of oil and natural gas, its bidding instruments may change over time.
These changes may occur due to the inclusions, exclusions and adjustments of blocks and areas with marginal accumulations available in offer, as well as improvements to the Tender Protocol and the drafts of the Open Acreage of Concession Agreements.
The official versions of these documents are in Portuguese and, considering that the notices published in the Official Gazette (DOU) and any other documents do not have an English version, see the files (in Portuguese) on the corresponding Portuguese page: Edital e Modelos dos Contratos de Concessão.
The current English versions of the tender protocol and the concession agreements are available below:
Tender Protocol - Version 4:
Word version
PDF version
Model of the Concession Agreement for blocks with exploratory risk:
Word version
PDF version
Model of Concession Agreement for areas with marginal accumulations:
Word version
PDF version
The versions revoked by Resolução de Diretoria No. 754/2023, whose rules remain valid for the ongoing stages of the 4th open acreage of concession cycle, are available below:
Tender Protocol - Version 3 - Revoked by Resolução de Diretoria nº 754/2023:
Model of the Concession Agreement for blocks with exploratory risk - Revoked by Resolução de Diretoria nº 754/2023
Model of Concession Agreement for areas with marginal accumulations - Revoked by Resolução de Diretoria nº 754/2023
- Tender Protocol and models of Concession Agreements: Past Versions
Published by: July 30, 2021The version of the Tender Protocol of the Open Acreage of Concession, published on July 30, 2021, includes a total of 1068 exploratory block.
Published by: May 14, 2021
The version of the Tender Protocol of the Open Acreage, published on May 14, 2021, included a total of 691 exploratory blocks, excluded the 17 blocks and 1 area purchased in the 2nd Cycle of Open Acreage, as well as the exclusion of Rio Ibiribas and Miranga Leste, which will have decommissioned installations, in compliance with the deadlines and rules established by Resolution No. 817/2020.The previous version of the Tender Protocol of the Open Acreage, published on July 21, 2020, includes a total of 708 exploratory blocks and three areas with marginal accumulations.
Published by: May 17, 2019
In the Tender Protocol of the Open Acreage published on May 17, 2019, a total of 600 blocks with exploratory risk and 14 areas with marginal accumulations were contemplated.The 442 blocks with exploratory risk and 14 areas with marginal accumulations obtained a favorable expression regarding the environmental viability. The rectification of the PN-T-98 block area was the subject of Public Hearing No. 05/2019.
Published by: September 10, 2018
In the Tender Protocol of the Open Acreage published on September 10, 2018, a total of 158 blocks with exploratory risk were contemplated.This version of the Tender Protocol included ten blocks - nine offshore blocks in the Campos Basin (CM-147, 173, 201, 58, 99, 299, 334, 464 and 496) and one onshore block in the Recôncavo Basin (REC- T-280), originating from Rounds 1 to 6 that had not been the object of authorization by the National Energy Policy Council (CNPE), through CNPE Resolution No. 17/2017.
With the publication of CNPE Resolution No. 8/2018, CNPE authorized the ANP to include in the Open Acreage, the areas and blocks that were the object of Rounds 1 to 6.
On October 31, 2018, the version of the Tender Protocol, published on September 10, 2018, was replaced due to inaccuracies in filling in the values in column (I) Area Retention (R $ / Km2 / year) of Table 13, located in Annex I - Part 1 (pages 93 to 101 of the notice).
Published by: July 20, 2018
The Tender Protocol and of the models of Concession Agreements published on July 20, 2018 bring improvements in relation to the drafts of the Tender Protocol and of the Concession Agreements, published on April 27, 2018.
- Tender Protocol Draft
Published by: November 29, 2019
On November 29, 2019 Notice of Public Consultation and Public Hearing No. 25/2019 was published, which contemplates improvements to the drafts of the Tender Protocol and the Open Acreage concession agreements and the inclusion of exploratory blocks and areas with marginal accumulations, as well as the exclusion of blocks and areas that were awarded in the 1st Cycle of the Open Acreage.
Published by: April 27, 2018
The announcement of the drafts of the Tender Protocol and of the Concession Agreements of the Open Acreage was published in the Official Gazette (DOU) on April 27, 2018 and in major newspapers.
The National Energetic Policy Council – CNPE – through its 17th resolution, published on the Official Gazette dated of June 8th ,2017, authorized ANP to promote the bidding round for the relinquished fields, fields in relinquishment process, as well as the exploration blocks with discoveries that are relinquished back to ANP. Also, allowed ANP offer the areas that already were authorized by past CNPE resolutions, on past bidding rounds, excluded the pre-salt situated blocks or others in the considered strategic areas.
On 05/11/2018 CNPE Resolution No. 2/2018 was published. The resolution establishes Local Content guidelines in the round of bidding for exploratory blocks under the concession regime for the Open Acreage.
Note: The official version of these documents is in Portuguese and, considering that the notices published in the Official Gazette (DOU) and any other documents do not have an English version, see the files (in Portuguese) on the corresponding Portuguese page: Edital e Modelos dos Contratos de Concessão — Português (Brasil) (www.gov.br)