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The bidding instruments are constantly evaluated by the ANP and undergo a Public Consultation and Hearing process for possible improvements.
ANP discloses the blocks and areas under study and, after obtaining environmental guidelines, starts to include them in the list of objects of the Open Acreage, through a Public Hearing.
Blocks and areas that have recently passed a Public Hearing and do not have changes in their technical and economic parameters may be included directly in the Open Acreage, with wide publicity being given on this website.
The aims of the public consultation and hearing process are:
On June 28, 2024, Notice of Public Consultation and Public Hearing No. 02/2024 was published in the D.O.U. regarding the review of the tender protocol and the concession agreements for exploratory blocks and areas with marginal accumulations of the Open Acreage of Concession – OPC.
Public Consultation No. 2/2024
The public consultation period was 45 (forty-five) days, ending at 6 pm on August 14, 2024.
Public Hearing No. 2/2024
The Public Hearing was held on September 3, 2024, at 2:00 pm, via videoconference, pursuant to ANP Resolution No. 436, of June 27, 2024. The event was broadcasted on ANP's YouTube channel in real time.
The updated version of the tender protocol and of the concession agreements of the Open Acreage are in Portuguese and, considering that the notices published in the Official Gazette (DOU) and any other documents do not have an English version, see the files (in Portuguese) on the corresponding Portuguese page .
On March 3, 2023, Public Hearing Notice No. 05/2023 was published, whose objective is the inclusion of two exploratory blocks (PRC-T-54 and ES-T-399) and 1 area with marginal accumulations (Japiim) in the tender protocol of the Open Acreage of Concession (OPC), in view of the positive opinions of the environmental agencies, which issued the joint manifestations, available on the Environmental Guidelines page (in Portuguese Diretrizes Ambientais).
This is the update of the objects on offer in the version of the tender protocol that underwent recent improvements in its rules, object of Public Consultation and Hearing No. 21/2022 and approved by the Collegiate Board in December 2022 and which is currently under analysis by the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU).
With the new inclusions, the notice will include a total of 1098 exploratory blocks, in addition to the Japiim area.
The publication of the version of the OPC public notice with the new blocks and the Japiim area is scheduled for April 2023.
The Public Hearing will be held on March 14, 2023, at 2 pm, via videoconference, pursuant to ANP Resolution No. 846, of June 25, 2021.
The official version of the tender protocol and the agreement is in Portuguese and, considering that the notices published in the Official Gazette (DOU) and any other documents do not have an English version, see the files (in Portuguese) on the corresponding Portuguese page: Consulta Pública e Audiência Pública.
On September 2, 2022, Notice of Public Consultation and Public Hearing No. 21/2022 was published, whose purpose is to update the notice and contracts related to Open Acreage under the Concession regime. In this new version of the tender protocol, a total of 1096 exploratory blocks are contemplated, 59 blocks awarded in the 3rd Cycle of the Open Acreage of Concession were excluded and 87 blocks remaining from the 17th Bidding Round were included.
Public Consultation
The public consultation period was 45 (forty-five) days and ended at 6:00 pm on October 17, 2022.
Public Hearing No. 21/2022
The Public Hearing will be held on October 25, 2022, at 2:00 pm, via videoconference, pursuant to ANP Resolution No. 846, of June 25, 2021.
The official version of the tender protocol and the agreement is in Portuguese and, considering that the notices published in the Official Gazette (DOU) and any other documents do not have an English version, see the files (in Portuguese) on the corresponding Portuguese page: Consulta Pública e Audiência Pública.
The holding of Public Hearing nº 6/2021
On May 14, 2021, Public Hearing Notice No. 06/2021 was published and, on May 26, 2021, the Notice of Changes to the Hearing Schedule was published.
Held on 06/02/2021 by videoconference, the Public Hearing nº 06/2021, which objective includes 377 exploratory blocks and excluses 17 blocks and 1 area that were purchased in the 2nd Cycle of Open Acreage, in addition to the exclusion of areas with marginal acumulations of Rio Ibiribas and Miranga Leste that will have their installations decommissioned, in compliance with the deadlines and rules established by ANP Resolution nº 817/2020.
Check out the presentations made during Public Hearing nº 06/2021 and the complete recording on the ANP's YouTube channel (in Portuguese) on the corresponding Portuguese page: Consulta Pública e Audiência Pública.
The ANP Director Dirceu Amorelli Junior opened the event. The board of directors was chaired by the Superintendent for the Licensing Rounds Promotion (SPL), Renato Silveira, and was secretariat by the Administrative Coordinator of SPL, Hudson Filadelfo, and composed by Rafael dos Santos Bonfim, representing the Federal Attorney's Office at the ANP.
The president of the audience Renato Silveira spoked about the proceedings of the hearing and passed the floor to the first speaker.
The Environment Coordinator of the Superintendence of Operational Safety and Environment (SSM), Nilce Costa, spoke about the environmental opinions of the offshore and onshore blocks for the of the Open Acreage.
The SPL Deputy Superintendent, Josie Quintella, presented the update of the tender protocol of the Open Acreage.
After the presentations, the space was open to participants enrolled as exhibitors. Presentation was made by representative of the Instituto Arayara,, who did not use computer resources.
After the presentations, there was a demonstration from the audience and, without further demonstrations, the president closed Public Hearing No. 06/2021.
Summary and decisions concerning the contributions received
ANP assessed the relevance of each contribution received throughout the Public Consultation and the Public Hearing nº 25/2019. The spreadsheets, which consolidate the contributions, ANP resolutions and its respective justifications, are available for download.
It is available for download the Summary of the Public Hearing nº 25/2019, (in Portuguese). This document furnishes further details regarding the insights of the event, bringing the questions referred to the Chair and its respective answers. Technical Note 15/2020 / SPL / ANP-RJ is also available, which includes the considerations received after the Public Hearing.
The holding of Public Hearing nº 25/2019
On November 29, 2019, Public Hearing Notice No. 25/2019 was published.
Held on 02/05/2020, the Public Hearing nº 25/2019 had the following objectives: to present the improvements of the drafts of the Tender Protocol and of the concession contracts of the Open Acreage, the inclusion of 173 exploratory blocks and the area with marginal accumulation of Juruá, in the Solimões Basin, and the exclusion of blocks and areas that were purchased in the 1st Cycle of the Open Acreage.
Check out the presentations made during Public Hearing nº 25/2019 and the complete recording on the ANP's YouTube channel (in Portuguese) on the corresponding Portuguese page: Consulta Pública e Audiência Pública.
The event took place in the Auditorium of the ANP Central Office, in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The board of directors was chaired by the Superintendent for the Licensing Rounds Promotion (SPL), Heloisa Borges, and was secretariat by the Coordinator of the Open Acreage of SPL, Heloíse Costa, in addition to being composed by Attorney Tatiana Vieira, representing the Federal Attorney's Office at the ANP.
The president of the audience opened the event and spoke about the changes brought about by the Open Acreage model. Then she spoke about the proceedings of the hearing and passed the floor to the first speaker.
The Environment Coordinator of the Superintendence of Operational Safety and Environment (SSM), Nilce Costa, spoke about the environmental opinions of the offshore and onshore blocks for the of the Open Acreage.
SPL Superintendent and audience president, Heloisa Borges, presented the main aspects of the draft of the Tender Protocol and SPL Deputy Superintendent, Josie Quintella, presented the draft of the concession contracts of the Open Acreage.
After the presentations, the space was open to participants enrolled as exhibitors. Presentations were made by representatives of the Instituto Arayara, Brasil and ABPIP.
Finally, SPL Superintendent Heloisa Borges answered four questions from the audience and closed the Public Hearing.
Summary and decisions concerning the contributions received
ANP assessed the relevance of each contribution received throughout the Public Consultation and the Public Hearing nº 05/2019. The spreadsheets, which consolidate the contributions, ANP resolutions and its respective justifications, are available for download.
It is also available for download the Summary of the Public Hearing nº 05/2019 (in Portuguese), held on March 29, 2019 in Rio de Janeiro. This document furnishes further details regarding the insights of the event, bringing the questions referred to the Chair and its respective answers.
The holding of Public Hearing nº 5/2019
On February 25, 2019, Notice for the Public Hearing nº 05/2019 was published.
Held on 03/29/2019, the Public Hearing nº 05/2019 had as main objective to inform the new version of Annex I of the Tender Protocol of the Open Acreage due to the inclusion of blocks with exploratory risk and areas with marginal accumulations for granting of concession contracts for exploration or rehabilitation and production of oil and natural gas and area alteration of the PN-T-98 Block.
Check out the presentations made during Public Hearing nº 05/2019 and the complete recording on the ANP's YouTube channel (in Portuguese) on the corresponding Portuguese page: Consulta Pública e Audiência Pública.
The event took place in the Auditorium of the ANP Central Office, in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The board of directors was chaired by the Superintendent for the Licensing Rounds Promotion (SPL), Heloisa Borges and secretary of the Deputy Superintendent Josie Quintella, and was composed of the Attorney Tatiana Vieira, representing the Federal Attorney's Office with the ANP.
ANP director Felipe Kury made the opening of the event, making a brief introduction about the Open Acreage and highlighting that this modality is an important milestone and an innovation for the ANP.
Then, the civil servant Priscilla de Almeida Barnabé, from the Environmental Coordinator of the Superintendency of Safety and Environment (SSM), highlighted the ANP's work with the Interinstitutional Working Group on Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Activities ( GTPEG) and the state environmental agencies to obtain the environmental opinions of the blocks and areas of the Open Acreage.
Continuing the hearing, SPL Superintendent Heloisa Borges presented the main aspects of the new version of the Notice of the Open Acreage.
After the presentations, the space was open to participants enrolled as exhibitors. Presentations were made by representatives of the KPMG, Greenpeace and IBP institutions.
Finally, SPL Superintendent Heloisa Borges answered two questions from the audience and closed the Public Hearing 5/2019.
Held on the same occasion, the Technical Workshop presented the oil potential of the exploratory blocks and the marginal fields in the Open Acreage.
Summary and deliberations on contributions received
ANP has studied the relevance of each contribution received during the public consultation period and at Public Hearing No. 08/2018. The spreadsheets that consolidate the contributions received, the deliberations of the ANP and their respective justifications are available for download.
Also available for download is the Summary of Public Hearing No. 8/2018 held on June 20, 2018, in the auditorium of ANP, in the city of Rio de Janeiro. This document details what happened at the event and brings the questions formulated by the audience to the board with their respective answers.
The holding of Public Hearing nº 8/2018
Held on 06/20/2018, the Public Hearing No. 8/2018 had as main objective to obtain subsidies and additional information on the draft of the tender protocol and the drafts of the concession contracts related to the Open Acreage.
Check out the presentations made during Public Hearing nº 08/2018 and the complete recording on the ANP's YouTube channel (in Portuguese) on the corresponding Portuguese page: Consulta Pública e Audiência Pública.
The event took place in the Auditorium of the ANP Central Office, in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The board of directors was chaired by Director Dirceu Cardoso Amorelli Jr. and was secretariat by the Superintendent for the Licensing Rounds Promotion , Marcelo Castilho, being composed by NiloSergio Gaião Santos, representing the Federal Attorney's Office acting into ANP as well.
The Open Acreage Coordinator, Hudson de Moraes Filadelfo, presented the main aspects of the 884 blocks offered in the Open Acreage process and summarized its technical economic parameters.
The Inspection Advisor of the Superintendency of Development and Production (SDP), Filipe Nathan de Souza Machado, presented the areas with marginal accumulations, with their location, history, present infrastructure and future opportunities for the investor.
Luciene Pedrosa, Environment Coordinator of the Superintendency of Safety and Environment (SSM), highlighted the work of the ANP with the Interinstitutional Working Group on Oil and Gas Exploration and Production (GTPEG) and with the state environmental agencies to obtain the environmental reports of the blocks and areas offered in th Open Acreage process.
After the break, SPL's Deputy Superintendent, Heloisa Borges, presented the main aspects of the draft of the tender protocol and the draft of the Open Acreage concession agreements, finalizing with a balance of the contributions received during the public consultation period.
After the presentations, participants registered as exhibitors made their speech. Presentations were made by the representatives of the ABIMAQ and IBP institutions.
Finally, SPL Deputy Superintendent Heloisa Borges answered two questions from the audience and the Chairman of the Board, Marcelo Castilho, closed Public Hearing 08/2018.
The notice of Public Consultation and Public Hearing nº 08/2018
ANP announces the postponement of the Public Hearing No. 08/2018 for June 20th, 2018, and the publication of the Tender Protocol and the Models of the Concessions Agreements for July 19th, 2018, in accordance with the decision of the Collegiate Board Meeting dated 05/24/2018, published in the Union Official Gazette (DOU) 05/25/2018.
On April, 27th, 2018, was published the notice for the Public Consultation and Public Hearing Audience No.08/2018 egarding the Open Acreage process, offering exploration blocks and marginal oil fields areas for the celebration of the concession agreements for exploration or rehabilitation and production of oil and natural gas.