Exploration Blocks
The selected exploratory blocks are in basins of different environments and exploratory models. The different environments and models aim to expand reserves and Brazilian oil and natural gas production, expand knowledge of sedimentary basins, decentralize exploratory investment in Brazil, establish national and foreign companies in the country, as well as offer opportunities to small and medium-sized companies.
- Offered Blocks
The current version of the tender protocol of the Open Acreage of Concession includes a total of 332 exploration blocks. These blocks comply with the provisions of CNPE Resolution No. 17/2017, which determines that the areas offered must be previously analyzed for environmental viability by the competent environmental agencies agreed upon in a Joint Statement.
Considering that the resolutions and any other documents do not have an English version, see the files (in Portuguese), the maps and Shapefile on the corresponding Portuguese page: Blocos Exploratórios — Português (Brasil) (www.gov.br).
- Blocks under evaluation
At the moment, 1673 blocks are under study, located in 94 sectors of 25 Brazilian sedimentary basins (updated in March/2025). Spreadsheets, maps and shapefiles of the exploratory blocks and sectors under study in the OPC are available for consultation.
Considering that the resolutions and any other documents do not have an English version, see the files (in Portuguese), the maps and Shapefile on the corresponding Portuguese page: Blocos Exploratórios — Português (Brasil) (www.gov.br).
- How a block is included in the OPC
The studies of blocks for possible inclusion in the Open Acreage of Concession (OPC) involve shared competences by several public administration bodies: ANP, federal and state environmental agencies, Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) and Ministry of the Environment (MMA). The process is ultimately evaluated by the Federal Court of Auditors (TCU).
The process begins with the performance of a geological and economic assessment of the block or set of blocks that may be offered in the OPC by ANP's technical area and approval by the Agency's Collegiate Board.
The environmental agencies then evaluate the areas for possible restrictions on carrying out exploration and production activities and the opinions produced indicate possible needs for adjustments to the boundaries of the blocks, make recommendations for subsequent environmental licensing and support a joint statement by MMA and MME, under the terms of Interministerial Ordinance MME/MMA No. 01/2022.
For more information on the issuance of environmental guidelines and the joint MMA/MME statement, see the Environmental Guidelines page.
After the issuance of the joint MMA/MME statement, if necessary, ANP conducts a new geological and economic assessment for the blocks and fields considered environmentally suitable for inclusion in the OPC.
In the next stage, ANP updates the draft of the tender protocol, including the definition of the technical parameters (minimum bonus, Minimum Exploration Program - PEM, exploration period, etc.) and improvements to the criteria.
This draft is submitted to a public hearing, preceded by a public consultation, if there is a change to the rules of the tender protocols. After evaluating the contributions received from society, ANP's Collegiate Board approves the final version of the tender protocol to be submitted for analysis by TCU, in accordance with TCU Normative Instruction No. 81/2018.
After TCU analysis, the tender protocol is published by ANP and the blocks become available for declaration of interest and opening of a OPC cycle.