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In this page, a serie of explanatory videos about the Open Acreage Concession process, for offering exploratory blocks and marginal accumulations areas, are available. Also, you find here a link for the most frequent asked questions (FAQ) about the theme.
The serie is composed of 8 videos and their subject are exposed in portugues with subtitles in english and portuguese also. The subjects are: What is the Open Acreage of Concession; Registering for the Open Acreage of Concession; Obtaining the Data Package of the Open Acreage Concession; The most common defaults in the Documentation Submission Phase and how to avoid it; Expressing interest into a Certain Offered Area; The role of the Bidding Round Special Commission (CEL) and its composition; Environmental Guidelines and The Offer Generator Program - GEOF.
The most frenquent doubts are related to the themes : Enrollment and Qualification; Fees Payment; Data Package Access; Interest Manifestation; Data Divulgation; among others. Click here to know the see the answers to these subjects.
Videos are in Portuguese.