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The ANP announces that it will hold the public presentation of offers for the 3rd Cycle of the Open Acreage under the concession regime on April 13, 2022, at 10:00 am, at Windsor Barra Hotel, located at Avenida Lúcio Costa, nº 2.630 – Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro – RJ.
To access the event venue, you will be required to present proof of vaccination against COVID-19, in paper or digital form, issued by national or international health authorities, with the use of masks and/or face shields being optional by the participants.
Due to limited space at the event venue and to enable monitoring by all interested parties, the public session for the presentation of offers for the 3rd Cycle of the Open Acreage - Concession will be broadcast live on the ANP channel on YouTube and on the ANP's websites. : and
As provided in section 7.3 of the Notice, CEL defined in its 9th extraordinary meeting the sequence of sectors for the public session for the presentation of offers related to the 3rd Cycle of the Open Acreage, as published on the page in Portuguese: Sessão pública de apresentação de ofertas — Português (Brasil) (