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The Open Acreage consists of the continuous offer of exploratory blocks and areas with marginal accumulations located in any onshore or offshore basins. The exception is the blocks located in the pre-salt polygon, in the strategic areas or on the Continental Shelf in addition to the 200 nautical miles, as well as those authorized to compose the 17th and 18th Bidding Round, according to CNPE Resolution No. 17/2017, as amended by CNPE Resolution No. 03/2020.
According to this modality, the registered bidders can present interest for any blocks or areas, as long as they present a declaration of sectors of interest accompanied by an offer guarantee. Once one or more declarations of sectors of interest were presented, and all documentation was approved, the Bidding Round Special Commission (CEL) of the OPen Acreage discloses a schedule for carrying out a cycle for the submission of offers.
With the approval of a declaration of sectors of interest accompanied by a bid guarantee submitted by a registered bidder, CEL released the schedule for the 2nd Cycle for Open Acreage. For more details on the approved schedule, published in the DOU on 9/11/2020, see the Schedule of Second Cycle for the Open Acreage.