O processo de Oferta Permanente de áreas para exploração e produção de petróleo e gás natural, previsto no artigo 4º da Resolução CNPE nº 17/2017, prevê a oferta contínua de campos devolvidos (ou em processo de devolução), de blocos exploratórios ofertados em rodadas anteriores e não arrematados e também dos blocos devolvidos à Agência.
The process of Open Acreage of areas for exploration and production of oil and natural gas, provided for in article 4 of CNPE Resolution 17/2017, consists in the continuous offer of relinquished marginal oil fields (or in process of devolution) and exploration blocks offered in past bid rounds that were not awarded or which had been devolved to the Agency.
According to this modality, registered bidders may submit interest to any blocks or areas, provided they present a offer guarantee with a interest declaration. Once one or more interest declarations have been submitted, and all documentation has been approved, the Bidding Round Special Commission (CEL) of the Open Acreage announces a schedule for conducting a bidding cycle.
With the approval of an offer guarantee accompanied by a interest declaration submitted by a registered bidder, CEL announced the schedule for the First Cycle of the Open Acreage. For details of the approved schedule, published in the DOU on 06/27/2019, see the Schedule of the First Cycle of the Open Acreage below.