The Open Acreage of Concession (OPC) comprises the continuous offer of returned exploration fields and blocks (or in the process of being returned), as well as exploratory blocks offered in previous rounds and not auctioned in the bidding process, for the purpose of granting the exercise of exploration or rehabilitation and production activities of oil and natural gas under the concession regime.
Anyone interested in participating in the OPC must submit their registration request in accordance with the terms of the current tender protocol. The interested party whose registration request is approved by the CEL and whose registration documents are kept up to date will be considered a bidder.
A cycle of the Open Acreage of Concession will be opened with the approval of a declaration of interest accompanied by a bid guarantee, with a specific schedule being established for bidders to participate in said cycle.
The schedule to be established by CEL for each cycle of the Opean Acreage of Concession will observe the minimum period of 120 (one hundred and twenty) calendar days and the maximum of 180 (one hundred and eighty) calendar days between the publication in the DOU of the approval of the 1st declaration of interest and the date of the public session for the presentation of offers.
- Fifth cycle
- Fourth cycle
- Tender Protocol and Concession Agreements
- Exploration Blocks
- Marginal Accumulations Oil Fields
- Environmental Guidelines
- Geological Summaries
- Public Consultation and Public Hearing
- Technical Data Package
- Bidders Submission
- Bidding Round Special Commission of Open Acreage of Concession
- Closed Cycles - concession
- Explanatory Videos and FAQ
- Electronic Information System (SEI)
- Guide to the Open Acreage of Concession