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Publication of Tender Protocol and model (DOU 10/15/2021)
The official version of these documents is in Portuguese and can be consulted on the corresponding page in Portuguese: Edital e Modelo do Contrato de Partilha — Português (Brasil) ( In addition to the official Portuguese version, there is an English version for consultation:
» Tender Protocol (English version)
Word version
PDF Version
The ANP informs that the Collegiate Board approved the final versions of the tender protocol and the agreement model for the Second Transfer of Rights Surplus Production Sharing Bidding Round. The final versions of the bidding instruments were forwarded to the Ministry of Mines and Energy for approval and subsequent submission to the Federal Audit Court, in accordance with Articles 3 and 8 of TCU Directive 81/2018 and they will be published in October 2021.
The draft tender protocol of the Second Transfer of Rights Surplus Production Sharing Bidding Round, which note was published on the Official Gazette (DOU) dated June 2, 2021 presents the areas offered, the rules and procedures for participation, and the preliminary schedule of the round. The draft production sharing agreements are part of the draft tender protocol.
Two draft production sharing agreements are available:
a) Draft of production sharing agreement with the participation of Petrobras
b) Draft of production sharing agreement without the participation of Petrobras
The draft tender protocol and the draft production sharing agreement shall undergo public consultation and public hearing procedures, and may receive corrections and improvements.
In accordance with art. 10, V, of Law 12,351 / 2010, the draft tender protocol and the draft production sharing agreements were approved by the Ministry of Mines and Energy through Official Letter No. 175/2021/SPG-MME, dated June 1, 2021.
The full texts of the draft tender protocol and the draft production sharing agreement can be downloaded in .docx and .pdf extensions by clicking on the links below:
» Draft of the Tender Protocol (English version)
Word version
PDF version
» Draft of production sharing agreement with the participation of Petrobras (in English)
Word version
PDF version
» Draft of production sharing agreement without the participation of Petrobras (in English)
Word version
PDF version
Alternatively, it is possible to obtain copies of the documents at Superintendence of Licensing Rounds Promotion of ANP, located at Avenida Rio Branco, 65, 18º floor, Centro, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, through the collection fee from Federal Payment Form (Guia de Recolhimento da União – GRU). More information and guidance please contact
Note: The official version of these documents is in Portuguese and, considering that the notices published in the Official Gazette (DOU) and any other documents do not have an English version, see the files (in Portuguese) on the corresponding Portuguese: Pré-Edital e Minuta do Contrato de Concessão — Português (Brasil) (