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The technical data package is a collection of public technical data selected by the ANP in the bidding events for each sedimentary basin of interest and in the sectors where the objects are located.
For each basin where the blocks offered in the 17th Bidding Round were prepared one or more packages of technical data, as listed in the bidding document/ tender protocol.
Each package consists of a set of regional data, including seismic lines and well data selected at ANP's discretion for each sector or group of sectors.
The technical data package shall be forwarded to business corporations which suits, as per tender protocol: (i) fulfillment of electronic application form; (ii) receipt of payment of participation fee; and (iii) encloses the confidentiality agreement, confirming the powers of its signatory.
In case of confidentiality agreement to be executed by the same legal representative of business corporation who has signed the Terms of Service of the Exploration and Production Database (BDEP), in line with ANP Resolution 757/2018 or by supervening norm, it should not be necessary to scrutinize the signatory powers to remove the data package, provided that:
Preferential access to the technical data package shall be performed via remote system available on the website .
The password to log in the system shall be forwarded by ANP for the appointed representatives by business corporations via electronic mail.
The technical data packages may be withdrawn in person at the ANP Exploration and Production Database (BDEP), located at Avenida Pasteur, No. 404, Bloco A4, Urca, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, by appointment through the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
In this case, the bidder shall deliver directly to the ANP / Urca a new external hard drive (HD), in sealed packaging, with minimum capacity to store the data of the package, for the recording of the package of technical data.
Technical data packages may be collected: