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Public Consultation and Public Hearing nº 20/2020 - Summary and decisions concerning the contributions received
ANP assessed the relevance of each contribution received throughout the Public Consultation and the Public Hearing 20/2020. The spreadsheets, which consolidate the contributions, ANP resolutions and its respective justifications, are available for download at the page: Consulta Audiência Pública — Português (Brasil) (
It is also available at the same page above the Summary of the Public Hearing 20/2020 held on 2/3/2021 by videoconference, in the city of Rio de Janeiro. This document furnishes further details regarding the insights of the event, bringing the questions referred to the Chair and its respective answers.
Public Hearing No. 20/2020 was held on 2/3/2021 by videoconference and aimed to present the improvements in the bidding instruments of the 17th Exploratory Blocks Bidding Round. During the public consultation period, ANP received 82 contributions related to the pre-public notice and 253 regarding the draft of the concession contract. The videoconference had about 60 participants.
The public hearing was chaired by the Superintendent for Licensing Rounds Promotion (SPL), Renato Silveira, and the secretariat by the SPL Administrative Coordinator, Hudson Filadelfo, in addition to the presence of Attorney Tatiana Vieira, representing the Federal Attorney's Office at the ANP.
The Director General of ANP, Rodolfo Saboia, made the opening speech. Then, the president listed the procedures and rules of the hearing and gave the floor to the first speaker.
Technical General Coordinator Kátia Almeida presented the main aspects of the draft of the tender protocol and Laura Ticiane presented the draft of the concession agreement.
Then, representatives from six institutions - Instituto Internacional Arayara, COESUS, Observatório do Petróleo e Gás, Coordination of the Guarani / Serra Geral / UFSC Network, IBP and Petrobras -, registered as exhibitors, made presentations.
After the presentations, there were two manifestations from the audience. Federal Attorney Tatiana Vieira made some comments and, without further comments, the president closed Public Hearing No. 20/2020.
Check out the presentations made during Public Hearing No. 20/2020 at the page: Consulta Audiência Pública — Português (Brasil) (
Also check out the complete recording on the ANP's YouTube channel (in Portuguese).
Public Consultation and Public Hearing
On November 27, 2020, the Notice of Public Consultation and Public Hearing No. 20/2020 was published regarding the 17th Bidding Round for exploration and production of oil and natural gas.
The consultation and the hearing have the following objectives:
The official versions of the draft of the tender protocol and the draft of concession agreement of the 17th Bidding Round are in Portuguese and available on corresponding Portuguese page: Edital e Modelo do Contrato — Português (Brasil) (
The term of public consultation was sixty (60) days and ended on January 28, 2021.
Comments/suggestions to the draft tender protocol and the draft of concession agreement shall be submitted rendering the standard form, in Excel format to the e-mail The form is mandatory. It shall not be accepted comments / suggestions out of the available standard.
The Public Hearing will be held on February 3, 2021, from 2:30pm to 5:30pm, through videoconference, under the terms of ANP Resolution No. 822, of June 23, 2020.
Schedule :
2:30 pm |
Beginning of Accreditation |
3 pm |
Opening of the public hearing |
3:10 pm |
Audience Object Theme Exhibition by SPL |
4:10 pm |
Expositors Speech |
4:40 pm |
Final Comments and closing of the event |
Access to the videoconference, including guidance on the form of participation and expression of interested parties, will be made available on the event's website, on the electronic sites 17th Bidding Round and, at least 5 (five) days prior to the date of the Public Hearing.
Registered as exhibitors:
The electronic files to be used by the exhibitors during the Public Hearing must be previously sent to the ANP, which will be responsible for their projection during the public session, until 18:00 hours on February 1, 2021 , to the email
Each exhibition shall be limited to the time given by the president of audience and obey the order of registration. The number of exhibitors shall be set according to applications made and the total estimated time.
Initially, the manifestation of individuals and one (1) representative from each entity shall be allowed. In the case of any additional comments from participants registered or not as exhibitors, the president of the hearing shall scrutinize the hearing of all concerned stakeholders, subject to the timeframe set for each one. The board members may intervene the deponent on matters directly related to given subject, triggering an enlightening debate.
All events shall be recorded electronically in order to preserve the integrity of its content and its maximum utilization such as subsidies to the improvement of the ordinance act to be issued.
Note: Considering that the minutes, notices published in the Official Gazette (DOU) and any other documents do not have an English version, see the files (in Portuguese) on the corresponding Portuguese page: Consulta Audiência Pública — Português (Brasil) (