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The National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas, and Biofuels – ANP participates in the project National Electronic Process (PEN) and implemented the Electronic Information System (SEI) for management of the electronic processes. One of its main characteristics is the reduced use of paper as physical support for institutional documents and sharing of information with update and communication of real-time new events. This initiative promotes time and resource savings and offers greater security, transparency, and expedition in the process arrangements.
The Licensing Rounds Promotion Superintendence (SPL), endeavoring to better serve the interests of society and improve its procedures with the regulated agents, will start to use the SEI to conduct processes in the rounds of ANP bidding processes.
The interested party may file documents electronically, consult processes, and monitor his/her progress in the SEI.
The first step to use the SEI is to register with ANP as an external user. This registration is intended for individuals participating in administrative proceedings with ANP, regardless of the relationship with certain legal entity.
For this registration, please access ANP’s SEI available at: The auxiliary instrument for registration is the External User Manual also available on the website.
The registration will allow the electronic filing of documents; however, the physical filing will continue and ANP’s Protocol units will continue in operation on a regular basis.
The documents requested in the tender protocol to participate in the 17th Bidding Round must be forwarded to ANP through the Electronic Information System (SEI), observing the terms defined in Table 1 of the tender protocol.
The Licensing Rounds Promotion Superintendence (SPL), prepared a manual with step by step for accessing the system and the electronic filing of documents to participate in the 17th Bidding Round, but it is in Portuguese.
Doubts or suggestions for improving the document may be sent to the email
Without prejudice to the forwarding of the digital file through the SEI, the bid bonds, financial guarantees of the minimum exploration program, and the performance guarantees provided for in sections 5, 9.1.2 and 9.1.5 of the call for bids have their originals sent to ANP’s Main Office or delivered to the protocol service thereof, to the attention of the Licensing Rounds Promotion Superintendence (SPL).