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Publication of Tender Protocol and model of Concession Agreement (DOU 07/27/2021)
The final Tender Protocol brings the rules and procedures of the 17th Bidding Round sets forth rights and obligations of the future concessionaires.
The Tender Protocol and the model of Concession Agreement furnish improvements in relation to the draft Tender Protocol and to the draft of Concession Agreement, published on November 27, 2020.
The contributions received during the period of public consultation and Public Hearing 20/2020 were assessed by ANP and those considered as relevant were used for the improvement of the tender documentation. The tables which consolidate the contributions, the deliberation of ANP, as well as their respective justifications are available for download on the corresponding page in Portuguese: Consulta Audiência Pública — Português (Brasil)
The full content of the final Tender Protocol, English version, which contains the model of the Concession Agreement, is available for download in word and pdf formats. The official version of these documents is in Portuguese and can be consulted on the corresponding page in Portuguese: Edital e Modelo do Contrato — Português (Brasil)
» Tender Protocol (in English)
Word Version
PDF Version
The ANP informs that the Collegiate Board approved the final versions of the tender protocol and the agreement model for the 17th Bidding Round, in accordance with Board Resolution No. 242/2021, dated 04/22/2021. The final versions of the bidding instruments were sent to the Federal Audit Court in accordance with Articles 3 and 8 of TCU Directive 81/2018 and they will be published in July 2021.
The draft of the tender protocol of the 17th Bidding Round for exploration and production of oil and natural gas, whose notice was issued in the Official Gazette (DOU) on november 27, 2020 and in major newspapers, contains the offered areas, the rules and procedures towards the participation and the preliminary bidding schedule. The draft concession agreement is part of the draft tender protocol.
The National Energy Policy Council (CNPE) authorized the ANP, through CNPE Resolution nº 24/2019, published in the DOU on 11/19/2019, to hold the 17th Bidding Round for blocks for exploration and production of oil and natural gas to exercise oil and natural gas exploration and production activities.
The National Council for Energy Policy had published on 08/30/2018 CNPE Resolution nº 10/2018 which established the guidelines for multi-year planning of bidding for blocks for exploration and production of oil and natural gas and authorized the ANP to hold the 17th Bidding Round in 2020. The resolution was amended by CNPE Resolution nº 07/2020, published in the DOU on 09/09/2020, and the 17th Bidding Round for Blocks for Exploration and Production of Oil and Natural Gas, under the regime of concession, will take place in 2021.
The drafts of the tender protocol and of the concession agreement will go through a public consultation and public hearing process, subject to any corrections and improvements.
» Draft of the tender protocol (in English)
» Draft of the concession agreement (in English)
Note: The official version of these documents is in Portuguese and, considering that the notices published in the Official Gazette (DOU) and any other documents do not have an English version, see the files (in Portuguese) on the corresponding Portuguese: Edital e Modelo do Contrato — Português (Brasil)