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The 17th Bidding Round for exploration and production of oil and natural gas shall be promoted and coordinated in its internal phase, by the Licensing Rounds Promotion Superintendence (SPL) and conducted in its external phase, by the Bidding Round Special Commission, hereinafter referred as CEL, enacted by the Ordinance of ANP.
The CEL of the 17th Bidding Round of blocks for exploration and production of oil and natural gas was indicated by ANP Resolution nº 06/2021, published in the DOU on March 17, 2021. The attributions of CEL are rendered as per the ANP Resolution No. 18/2015. The functioning of the Commission is regulated in its Internal Regulations, instituted by ANP Resolution No. 375/2017 and published in the Special Personnel Bulletin, No. 07, of August 7, 2017.
The CEL will consist of 5 (five) effective members and 2 (two) alternates, with 3 (three) of the effective members belonging to the staff of the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) and 2 (two) members effective representatives of society, who do not maintain, or have maintained, in the 6 (six) months prior to the publication of the Ordinance that constitutes CEL, in each Bidding Round, any direct link with organs, entities or business companies related to the oil industries and natural gas, and 2 (two) alternates belonging to the staff of ANP or representatives of society. The Attorney General of the ANP will designate a Federal Attorney to accompany the work of CEL, who will be invited and will be entitled to a seat and a voice at all CEL meetings and public sessions, with his presence recorded in the minutes.
Note: The acts of CEL are formalized by Minutes, but, considering that the minutes, notices published in the Official Gazette (DOU) and any other documents do not have an English version, see the files (in Portuguese) on the corresponding Portuguese page.