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ANP makes technical data available free of charge, provided through the REATE and PROMAR programs, which can be obtained by any interested party according to the guidelines available on the page of Acess to Technical Data in Portuguese.
The REATE Program (Program for the Revitalization of Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production Activity in Land Areas) is a National Policy to promote the exploration and production of oil and natural gas in land areas in Brazil, in order to provide the regional development and stimulate national competitiveness. The REATE Program makes available all public data on terrestrial sedimentary basins that appear in the ANP database.
The PROMAR Program (Program for Revitalization and Incentive for Production of Maritime Fields) aims to create conditions for the revitalization of mature maritime fields and better conditions for the economic use of accumulations of oil and natural gas considered to be of marginal economicity, also located at sea. The PROMAR Program partially makes available public data on marine sedimentary basins available in the ANP database.