Validation of a foreign training center
The RBAC 142 (from Portuguese language, Regulamento Brasileiro da Aviação Civil) allows that ANAC recognize (by a validation process) the certification process conducted by a foreign Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), e.g., USA Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), or Europe Union countries local CAAs, that act under EASA regulations. This validation process requires that the foreign regulation and Brazilian regulations be similar.
By definitions in RBAC 142, a foreign CTAC (from Portuguese language, Centro de Treinamento da Aviação Civil) is a training center located outside of Brazil and can be, as already mentioned, validated by ANAC. Conversely, a CTAC runed by a foreign organization, but located inside Brazil, is not considered as foreign CTAC, and approval is only possible through a normal certification process.
The RBAC 142 also has provisions regarding that all foreign CTAC must be regularly inspected by ANAC, and, for this, these activities are included in the agency annual planning of actions.
Validation procedures
The IS 142-002 (from Portuguese language, Instrução Suplementar) provides for a acceptable procedures in order to validate a foreign CTAC, authorizing such training center to perform trainings and exams required for the granting or renewal of Brazilian ratings or flight crew qualifications. This IS can be found in a Portuguese and English version at (click on the link “Arquivo” to access).
To start the validation process, the interested foreign CTAC must forward to the competent sector of ANAC the documentation/information in accordance with the provisions of the IS 142-002. Clarification on these or other issues can be obtained by the e-mail
ANAC will verify the received documentation, in which process it can contact the foreign CAA and can request to the CTAC any additional documents or information considered necessary. If ANAC decide to approve the validation, it will issue the following documents: TRAINING CENTER VALIDATION CERTIFICATE and TRAINING SPECIFICATIONS OF VALIDATED TRAINING CENTER.
The certificate of validation is valid for two years, and the foreign CTAC shall applicate for renewal before the expiration date in reasonable advance in order to stay providing training and exams to Brazilian crew. All authorizations issued by ANAC are conditioned to the authorizations issued by the foreign CAA, in which was based the validation process. If a foreign CTAC receives any restriction in these authorizations from the foreign CAA, it will be restricted to provide training and exams to Brazilian crew as well.
The Flight Simulation Training Devices (FSTD) included in the validated foreign documentation will be considered validated by ANAC as well.
If ANAC decision is to not approve the validation, the foreign CTAC will receive a letter accordingly.
Duties of the validated foreign CTAC
The IS 142-002 also stablish the duties of a validated foreign CTAC, among them are highlighted:
- provide to ANAC, during surveillance activities, access to its facilities, documentation, and computerized systems, as required in order to prove that training center is in compliance with the foreign Civil Aviation Authority and keeps sufficient records to make possible the traceability by ANAC of trainings and exams provided to Brazilian crews;
- inform ANAC any changes or restriction related to those informed during the validation process.