RPA Class 3 (maximum takeoff weight less than 25 kg) operated beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) or above 400 feet AGL
Every RPA Class 3 operated beyond visual line of sight or above 400 feet AGL must be registered and have a Special RPA Certificate of Airworthiness (CAER).
The following steps must be followed to obtain a CAER:
1. Make sure that the aircraft is of a model which has previously obtained a RPAS design authorization from ANAC.
2. Demand your seller to provide with the aircraft a statement the aircraft that has been purchased is conform to the authorized design. This statement can only be issued by the authorization holder which is usually the aircraft manufacturer.
3. Make the reservation of the aircraft registration letters following procedures described on the "Reservas de Marcas Online" page (available only in Portuguese). The aircraft must be registered in category R01.
4. The aircraft owner must file a registration petition addressed to the Gerência Técnica do Registro Aeronáutico Brasileiro (GTRAB). Contact rab@anac.gov.br for futher information on the required documents.
5. Concomitantly to the registration petition, one must also request the inspection of the remotely piloted aircraft. The request must be addressed to the Gerência Geral de Aeronavegabilidade Continuada (GGAC) with the following documents:
a. Certificate of reserve of registration letters (obtained in step 3 above);
b. Statement of conformity issued by the RPAS design authorization holder (see step 2).
6. ANAC will contact the applicant to determine the place and date in which the RPA will be inspected. In order to perform the inspection in the requested date, the following conditions must be met:
a. All technical documentation related to the aircraft and its components must be ready and organized;
b. The aircraft must be identified with the registration letters and with the identification plate installed in accordance with section E94.303. The remote pilot station must have an nameplate including its part number (or equivalent) and serial number (or equivalent) as required by paragraph E94.303(a)(3).
c. The aircraft and its components must have been kept in a condition for safe operation as established in its maintenance program.
d. The aircraft must be physically available for inspection
Important! The RPAS will be inspected by ANAC using form F-100-99. It is recommended that the applicant check prior to the inspection the compliance of all items in order to avoid delays and additional costs.
7. After performing the inspection, ANAC will issue a inspection report containing non-conformities that were found:
a. All non-conformities will be informed to the applicant. The applicant must properly address and rectify them. In case for some reason it is not possible or appropriate to correct any non-conformity, the applicant must contact ANAC about its acceptance.
b. The applicant must correct all pending items in less than 90 days, otherwise, a new inspection must be performed.
8. After approval of the inspection of the RPA, the CAER will be issued the unit responsible for the inspection and the Certificate of Experimental Marks will be issued by the GTRAB.
Important! In specific situations or in the case of aircaft with experimental purposes, the aircraft may authorized by a experimental certificate of airworthiness (CAVE) or a special flight permit (AEV). Further information about how to obtain a CAVE for a RPA may be found in Supplementary Instruction E94.503-001A (available only in Portuguese) .