RPA Class 1 (maximum takeoff weight greater than 150 kg)
To operate Class 1 RPA (maximum takeoff weight greater than 150 kg) you need to:
Be at least 18 years old to pilot or support the operation as an observer.
Have insurance covering damage to third parties.
Perform an operational risk assessment (Supplemental Instruction - IS ANAC E94-003 - only available in Portuguese).
Operate in areas away from third parties (at least 30 meters horizontally). This restriction does not apply when people nearby have consented to the operation or when there is a mechanical barrier able to isolate and protect people who are not engaged in or have not consented to the operation.
Operate only one RPA each time.
Commence an operation only if, considering wind and other known meteorological conditions, there is sufficient autonomy to perform the flight and to land safely at the intended location.
The remote pilot shall have and carry license and rating issued or validated by ANAC as well as the Aeronautical Medical Certificate (1st, 2nd, 3rd or 5th classes as defined in RBAC No. 67 - only available in Portuguese).
The aircraft must be registered and have an airworthiness certificate. Click here for further information on how to obtain an airworthiness certificate for a RPA (hyperlink para a página de certificados).