Midwestern Cluster
The Midwestern Cluster, formed by the airports of Cuiabá, Sinop, Rondonópolis and Alta Floresta, all in Mato Grosso state, was granted to the private sector in an auction held at B3 on 3/15/2019.
Concessionaire name: SPE Concessionária Aeroeste Aeroportos S/A
Concessionaire website: http://centroeste-airports.com.br
Address: Rua Bela Cintra, nº 1.149, 8º andar, Cerqueira César, São Paulo (SP), Zipcode: 01.415-907
Subject of the concession: Concession of public services for the expansion, maintenance and exploration of the airports that are part of the Midwestern Cluster.
Contract signature date: September 3, 2019
Beginning of the concession: October 4, 2019
Concession term: 30 years
See more information about the bidding process for the Midwestern Cluster (available only in Portuguese).