Certificação de Organização de Manutenção Estrangeira no Brasil (How to Obtain a Foreign Maintenance Organization Certification in Brazil)
1. How to obtain a foreign maintenance organization certification in Brazil? (Canadian Maintenance Organization)?
The applicant must follow orientations from Part II of the Implementation Procedures for the Technical Arrangement on Aviation Maintenance between the Transport Canada Civil Aviation Directorate (TCCA) and the Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil (former DAC). Required documents and fees for this application are listed in the Implementation Procedures for the Technical Arrangement. Both documents are available in the International Agreements Library.
Note: This Technical Agreement was signed in 2005 and since then some regulations have been revised making the Sample Supplement in Appendix A outdated. We suggest to use the following updated Sample Supplement:
For additional information about ANAC international certification, contact us at the following e-mail address: foreign145@anac.gov.br
2. How to obtain a foreign maintenance organization certification in Brazil? (European Union Certified Maintenance Organizations located in Brazil)?
The applicant must follow orientations from Section B of the Maintenance Implementation Procedures - MAG between EASA and ANAC Brazil, that contain details on how ANAC will implement the Bilateral Agreement and Annex B between the European Union and Brazil in RBAC 145 Maintenance Organizations located in Brazil.
The MAG and the Agreement are available in the following website:
3. How to obtain a foreign maintenance organization certification in Brazil? (Other states CAA with agreement with ANAC – CAA certified maintenance organization located in Brazil)
The applicant must follow orientations from specific Section of the Maintenance Implementation Procedures - MAG or Memorandum Of Understanding - MoU between local CAA and ANAC Brazil, that contain details on how ANAC will implement the Bilateral Agreement and Annexes between the CAA and Brazil for Maintenance Organizations located in Brasil.
For each State, the MAG and the Agreement or Memorandum Of Understanding – MoU or Technical Arrangement are available in the following website:
In addition to the Agreements signed with TCCA and EASA, the following Agreements/MoU on Maintenance Organizations are currently in effect:
- UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA-UK)
- Federal Office of Civil Aviation of Switzerland (FOCA)(See Note 1 below)
- CAAs of the SRVSOP Participating states)(See Note 2 below)
Note 1: Switzerland is not an EU member State, but FOCA-Switzerland is an EASA full member. FOCA- Switzerland accept the EASA approval, and maintenance release EASA Form 1, for example, issued by a maintenance organization-MO in Brazil. Therefore, MOs located in Brazil and holding an EASA approval do not need specific FOCA-Switzerland approval.
Note 2: Multinational Technical Cooperation Agreement for the acceptance of maintenance organizations between the civil aviation authorities of the SRVSOP participating states, based on the certification process report of the SRVSOP multinational certification team. The application and additional information must be requested from the contact below:
Regional Safety Oversight Cooperation System (SRVSOP)
ICAO South American Office
Edificio Real Cuatro, Av. Víctor Andrés Belaúnde No. 147, Centro Empresarial Real, No. Edificio Real 4, Piso 4, Vía Principal 102, San Isidro - Lima, Perú
Tel: +51 1 611 8686
4. How to obtain a foreign maintenance organization certification in Brazil?
For countries that do not have bilateral agreements on aircraft maintenance with Brazil or do not have any technical arrangements between the Civil Aviation Authorities, the certification procedure of the civil aviation authority of the country of origin of the AMO should be followed.