Air transport indicators grow in 2022 compared to January 2021
Demand for flights this year is still below that of the same period before the pandemic
Demand for flights this year is still below that of the same period before the pandemic
Contents of the workshop held on February 23 and 24 will contribute to future regulations
The law modernizes ANAC’s procedures and reduces bureaucracy in Brazilian civil aviation
Approved adjustments consider new block configurations and are now under Federal Court of Accounts’ analysis
February 20th is the international day in honor of the victims and relatives of the victims of air accidents
Before approval, the prototype performed safety and certification flight tests
Model EVE-100 is in the early stages of development
The process will have a virtual public hearing, in Portuguese, which will be held on February 3rd
Airline regularity target will be 70% for the S22 season
Index ascertained was -8.4% compared to 2019
Pandemic is still one of the factors impacting the industry’s results
The theme was present in most of the debates on the second and last day of the event organized by ANAC
Between December 7th and 8th, representatives from ANAC, DECEA and Cenipa focus on the airline industry safety management system
Value corresponds to a 45.3% increase compared to the same period in 2020
Digital event addressed the ways for a more collaborative regulation in the aviation industry
Results are still below pre-pandemic levels, but approach 2019 rates
Brazil presented regulatory improvements underway in the country to increase industry efficiency and reduce costs
Demand and supply showed a 17% reduction when compared to 2019 data. Number of passengers carried in the domestic market represents 75% of the total measured two years earlier.
Event brought together representatives from 194 countries to discuss measures for the airline industry in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic
In this period, the number of passengers carried increased and the satisfaction index improved
With the resumption of supply, Resolution No. 400 comes into full force for domestic flights
Between October 12 and 22, Brazil and more than 190 countries participated in discussions that also address sustainability and resilience for civil aviation
Along with the revision to some aircraft certification regulation (RBAC 01, 25, 27, 29 and 33), ANAC proposes an innovative way to incorporate standards, reducing the needs for exemptions and special conditions
Online public hearing will be held on October 27
The event will have participation from manufacturers, installers and operators dealing with TSO articles, besides representants of the main aviation regulatory authorities. Don’t miss it!
16 airports will be granted in 3 clusters led by Congonhas, Santos Dumont and Belém
The 8th edition is available in Portuguese, English and Spanish
Profit was a result of positive financial results
In the international market, data from 2020 reveals airfare drop
Document presents the main safety indicators of the last five years