Airport auction led by Congonhas generates R$ 2.72 billion in initial contribution
The 15 airports auctioned by the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC), at B3, in São Paulo, yielded a total of R$ 2.716 billion to the Federal Government. The total initial amount to be paid by the winners of the 7th round of concessions represents an average premium of 116.94% over the total minimum initial bid of R$ 938.4 million. The 15 airports will be granted to the private sector for a period of 30 years.
Together, the three airport clusters process approximately 15.8% of the country’s total passenger traffic, equivalent to more than 30 million passengers per year (2019 data, pre-pandemic period). Between 2011 and 2021, the airport concession program in Brazil has awarded the equivalent of 75.82% of national traffic to private enterprise. Added to the 7th round, this percentage will reach 91.6% of passengers served at granted airports.
The SP-MS-PA-MG Cluster, led by Congonhas (SP) and composed also by the airports in Campo Grande, Corumbá and Ponta Porã, in Mato Grosso do Sul (MS); Santarém, Marabá, Parauapebas and Altamira, in Pará (PA); Uberlândia, Uberaba and Montes Claros, in Minas Gerais (MG), was bought by Aena Desarollo Internacional SME SA for R$ 2.45 billion, a premium of 231.02% over the minimum initial bid of R$740.1 million.
Integrated by the airports of Campo de Marte, in São Paulo (SP) and Jacarepaguá, in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), the winner of the General Aviation Cluster was XP Infra IV FIP EM INFRAESTRUTURA, with a premium of 0.01% in relation to the minimum initial bid of R$ 141.3 million. The cluster was bought for R$ 141.4 million.
The North Cluster II, formed by the airports of Belém (PA) and Macapá (AP), was won by the companies Dix and Socicam, members of Consórcio Novo Norte. The group paid R$ 125 million for the two airports of the cluster, with a premium of 119.78% compared to the minimum initial bid of R$ 56.9 million.