Attorney General for Federal Agencies
Telephone: +55 61 2026.8997.
Address: Setor de Autarquias Sul, Edifício Sede I – AGU, Qd. 3, lt. 5 e 6, 8º andar, 70070-030, Brasília/DF.
Curriculum: Visiting Scholar at the Center on Global Economic Governance at SIPA (School of International and Public Affairs) at Columbia University, New York. Master’s degree in Public Policy and Economic Development from IPEA/ESAF. Specialist in Public Law from UnB and Bachelor of Laws from CEUB. She has been a Federal Attorney since 2002, with significant experience within the Office of the Attorney General of the Union. Currently, she serves as the Federal Attorney General at the Office of the Attorney General of the Union and has expertise in leadership positions, notably in the structuring of the Federal Regional Attorney’s Office for the 1st Region, where she served as head for over 8 years. She was also the Deputy Director of the Higher School of the Office of the Attorney General of the Union and worked at the Federal Attorney’s Office with CAPES. She headed the legal advisory team in the 2022/2023 presidential transition.