Plant Health
Normative nº 25, April 7, 2020 regulates that the import of plant species, plant parts, plant products and by-products are dependent upon specific phytosanitary requirements published in the Official Gazette of the Federal Executive through Pest Risk Analysis (ARP) when: I - they have never been imported to Brazil; II - there is a new proposed use; III - they come from a new country of origin; This Normative Instruction exempts the import of plant species, parts of plants, plant products and by-products that are deemed to be risk category 1 (one) from the Pest Risk Analysis and from Phytosanitary Certificate in the origin country. The risk categories and the phytosanitary requirements for the ingress of plant products are established by Ordinance nº 65, March 30, 2021. To learn more about Pest Risk Analysis (ARP) CLICK HERE. Once the requirements have been defined, plants may only be imported if they figure on the List of Plant Products Authorized for Importation (Portuguese acronym: PVIA). If the plant of your interest is not on that list, see below the procedures to include it. To be on the list, the following requirements must be complied with: • The specific phytosanitary requirements for the plant species/plant part/proposed use/country of origin must be published in the Official Gazette of the Federal Executive. IMPORTANT Check here if the product to be imported has an official classification standard or particularities for import (this is the case of peanuts, corn and by-products, almonds, pistachios, dried fruits, popcorn corn, Brazil nuts, wheat and olive oil). |