Quality and Identity Requirements
Plant Quality
As a general rule, MAPA does not act on the classification and certification of plant products destined for export, except in cases when the importing country requires it.
Thus, MAPA provides the qualification for registration with CGC / MAPA (General Registration System of Classification - CGC) only in cases when there is an official communication from the importing country expressing this requirement for prior registration. The list of destinations that made this official communication can be found in the table below (Registration of exporters at CGC/MAPA).
In cases of control and certification requirements from the importing country, the Secretariat of Animal and Plant Health (SDA) through the Department of Plant Products (DIPOV) promotes and oversees inspection and hygienic-sanitary and technological inspection activities of natural, processed or industrialized plant products and their derivatives. These are measures that guarantee the quality and safety of plant products and their derivatives produced in Brazil.
CLICK HERE to check specific information on some markets and products that an agent of the production chain that wishes to export must be familiar with. (only in Portuguese).
CLICK HERE to further information on international certification of plant products (only in Portuguese).
Wines and Beverages
For export, the establishment may, as requested by the country of destination, require the following certificates: Free Sale Certificate, Certificate of Origin for Export and Certificate of Laboratory Analysis. There are also specific models of certificates for China and the European Union (in this case, for the export of wines and grape and wine products, according to Normative Instruction no. 67/2018).
Starting on December 13, 2018, all requests for the aforementioned certificates shall be submitted through the Citizen Assistance (Serviço ao Cidadão) portal where the documents below should be attached to the request after the registration.
I - Signed contract or proposed letter of export regarding the products to be exported;
II - Proof of the official requirement of the importing country;
III - Commitment Statement1, in the template provided by the Service Portal, mandatory for exports of wine, and of grape and wine products to the European Union, according to Appendix V; and
IV - Valid document for granting powers a representative of the legal entity containing a specific clause concerning representation in MAPA.
1Commitment Statement (only for exports of wines, and grape and wine products to the European Union).
If laboratory testing is necessary, the requesting party should indicate, in a specific file, the approved laboratory of the national network of agricultural laboratories which complies with the required scope. (Click here for a list of the national network of agricultural laboratories).
If approved, after a document check, the Service of Inspection of Plant Products of the Federal Superintendent’s Office for Agriculture, in the state in which the exporting establishment is located, will issue the certificate corresponding to the official requirement of the importing country. The certificates and test reports shall be made available on the service portal at the end of the whole process.
Digital Certification
In partnership with the Ministry of Planning, Development and Management (MP), within the scope of the Digital Citizenship Platform, the service for digitization of the export procedures of beverages, acetic fermented drinks, wines, and grape and wine products has been created. For further information, click here. (only in Portuguese)
The tool that computerizes the procedures for the necessary certification for export is available for the target audience, the exporting establishments of beverages registered in MAPA, on the SERVICE PORTAL.
To verify the authenticity of the certification for export issued, click here.