Trilateral South-South Cooperation with International Organizations (CGTRI)
The division in charge of Trilateral South-South Cooperation with International Organizations at ABC is responsible for the management, that is the identification, negotiation, implementation and financial execution, as well as the monitoring and evaluation of all South-South technical cooperation initiatives developed by the Brazilian Government in partnership with one or more International Organizations, the purpose being to support sustainable development and strengthen the skills, abilities and capacities of partner developing countries on issues viewed as priorities, both at a regional and country level.
A perfect example of the work conducted by the CGTRI Division is the partnership programme established between the Brazilian Government and the WFP Centre of Excellence against Hunger (of the World Food Programme), whose objective is to strengthen sustainable school feeding programmes in developing countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean; another example worthy of mention is the country project “Semeando Capacidades” ["sowing" skills] in the area of Food and Nutritional Security, which is developed in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Colombian Government, for the purpose of exchanging good practices to strengthen family farming and small-scale agriculture in Colombia.