Decentralised Cooperation
International cooperation initiatives with Brazilian states and municipalities - the so-called "decentralized cooperation" - are becoming increasingly frequent. Through ABC, the federal government maintains regular contact with the federative entities, with the objective of creating instruments that support this type of cooperation, facilitating the dialogue and exchange of information. This type of technical cooperation also aims at sharing knowledge and successful practices between public institutions of Brazilian federative units and public institutions from subnational units of partner countries.
In performing its institutional duties, ABC publishes technical manuals and maintains information systems to record and monitor cooperation programs with foreign governments and international organizations. This work involves institutional partnerships with other agencies, such as the Institute for Applied Economic Research (IPEA) and the Brazilian Institute for Information in Science and Technology (IBICT). The technical manuals and information systems constitute very relevant guidelines and subsidies for the cooperating national entities to adequately structure their proposals for cooperation projects and to be able to accompany their implementation.